Electricity meters installed on trams to remind drivers to save electricity


Recently, Wuhan Tram Co. installed electric meters on t […]

Recently, Wuhan Tram Co. installed electric meters on trams, which made drivers pay more attention to saving electricity when driving, thereby reducing tram operating costs.

Prior to this, the Wuhan Tram Company could not count the electricity consumption of various trams, and tram drivers often lacked the awareness of saving. However, from now on, Wuhan Bus Group has set off a wave of fuel saving. Of course, tram companies are not far behind. The four electric trams were equipped with intelligent vehicle electric meters, which can accurately record the electricity consumption of each tram every day.

According to estimates, after the smart electric meter is installed, drivers can be restricted to drive in accordance with relevant regulations, which can save at least 10% of electricity. This practice may be extended to tram companies in China.

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